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Highscores Leaderboard

Easy and robust Highscores Leaderboard backend.

Getting Started

  1. The first thing to do is to create a Highscores Leaderboard: logged in, go to the Highscores Leaderboard section.
  2. In the settings page, you can find the Leaderboard Apikey, this is the key you will use to refer to this leaderboard programmatically.
  3. Here as an example, let's use the REST API to send a new score for the player ProGamer:
curl -X POST                                                    \
-H "x-gr-apikey: c0b96e9906264d739e66fe97c94b11db" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"score":32427,"username":"ProGamer","userid":"12345"}' \

And that's it, a new score of user1 has been sent! From here, you can now query GameRank to get the podium for this leaderboard, the list of scores of this player or their all-time high, etc.

Make sure to check the different examples we have for several languages and game engines.

GameRank supports different types of Highscores Leaderboards, and many features for all of them.



Get the top players highscores of your leaderboard to build competition between your players.

Player scores

Retrieve a list of scores for a specific player or their all-time high score.

Usernames auto-sanitization

This feature helps you avoiding username filled with punctuations characters or similar.

Enable or disable it in your leaderboard settings:

Sanitization examples:

   [[RandomUsername]]  -->  RandomUsername
My##Username53!!! --> My_Username53
[{HELLO}]Player --> HELLO_Player


Feature basics implemented, not fully available yet - contact us on if you are interested

Monitor your leaderboards statistics to validate your games reception, how frequent your players, how many scores per player average, in how many countries is your game played, etc.

Usernames moderation

Feature not available yet - contact us on if you are interested.

Receive an alert if a player has an username that you might not prefer to show to other players. You will have access to these options:

  • when displayed to other players, it displays a fake generated name instead.
  • this player's scores are ignored in leaderboards.

Leaderboard settings

In the Leaderboard settings page, you can configure the selected Leaderboard:

  • Leaderboard name.
  • Configure the leaderboard mode: global, regional, daily.
  • Enable/disable the cheaters detection.
  • Enable/disable the scores acknowledgements.

Cheaters detection

Feature development in progrss - contact us on if you are interested.

GameRank will support a cheater detection engine automatically ignoring scores sent by cheaters. They are still visible in the Users scores of your Leaderboard if you want to permanently delete them, to validate some of them, etc.

Scores acknowledgement

Feature not available yet - contact us on if you are interested.

By default, leaderboards are configured to accept all scores submissions automatically. If you prefer to go through a manual validation of all scores, you can set the Scores acknowledgement option to Manual in the Leaderboard settings.

Once done, heads up to the Users scores page to validate received scores.

Highscores Leaderboards types details

Global Highscores Leaderboard

This feature helps you build a global competition between all of your users: this global leaderboard displays where the personal best of every user stands in a global leaderboard.

You can reset this global leaderboard in the Leaderboards Administration page.

Regional Highscores Leaderboard

Feature development in progress - contact us on if you are interested.

Instead of having a worldwide leaderboard, you might want people from different regions competing with each other.

Daily Highscores Leaderboard

Feature not available yet - contact us on if you are interested.

In order to have your users benefit from a daily competition and to create a daily challenge in your game or application, you can use the Daily leaderboard feature to retrieve the scores.

In the Leaderboards Administration, you can configure what timezone to use to indicate when a new day should start for the leaderboard.